Little Corn: a hidden gem!

Yet another early start to catch the morning flight to Big Corn. IMG_2199.JPG
A quick boat ride over to Little Corn and we were transported to this tiny Caribbean island, with no roads, no cars, just peace! Well deserved after my double volcano extravaganza I like to think!

The island is just one mile square, so everyone knows everybody. The people are all so happy. You can’t walk along the path without someone stopping to say hello and have a little chat!


Kelly started dive school so I was left to my own devices to make new friends. I’d like to introduce Evan…


He was far more interested playing with my camera rather than going to school. When he arrived at school by way of Rachel-piggy-back the teacher was less than surprised…it seems to be a daily occurrence!

Yesterday there was excitement on the beach. First off a dead fish washed up, which then attracted a nurse shark right to the waters edge. Then later washes up an eel.


After a thorough investigation (!) it turns out the boys had been fishing and decided the eel wasn’t worth the hassle and had thrown it back in!

After a delicious meal at the Turned Turtle (their piña coladas are the best on the island!) it was time to say goodbye to Kelly today.

Back to the shack that is the airport- no high tech X-ray security, just a man who opens your bag and asks if you have any banned items!

Then the short flight back to Managua, where I’m staying the night before crossing the border to Costa Rica tomorrow.


